5 Day Challenge Classroom Training:
Bonus Training #2: The Business Multiplier & A $15M Case Study
Bonus Training #2 Resources:
[00:00:00] Hey, welcome to this very special training. In this training, we have two things we're going to cover today. First, we're going to talk about the business multiplier method, and this is something that I use in every one of my businesses and is vital to understand this, to be able to grow and scale a business, I see so many entrepreneurs fail really early on.
[00:00:25] And they don't know why, when it comes to building a digital business, why do they kind of get stuck? And there's like this zone that you can find yourself trapped in where you just don't get really even get started and don't know how to grow your business. So I'm going to cover the secret that I use to make every one of my businesses have the best chance possible.
[00:00:45] And then when I find a winning website or a winning business, it's the secret on how I scale it up to seven figures and beyond. So I'm going to cover that first and then second. We're going to go through a case study where I'm going to show you how to use the business multiplier method and how I used it in one of my businesses.
[00:01:04] And I'll break down the exact sequence of all the little changes and little tweaks that I made to take a little business that wasn't making much at all. And some months it was losing money to something that created. over, well, almost 15 million in revenue for me. And so I'll show you how I did it. So we'll go through that case study at the end.
[00:01:27] So I have a little presentation I've prepared for you. I'm going to share my screen and we'll get into it. Okay, so this method covers six business multipliers. And really there are only six, despite all the things that you'll see people talk about loopholes and gimmicks and tactics to make a business profitable.
[00:01:47] They're really are just these six main methods and the rest are just not worth paying attention to. So I would recommend you focus on the six things I'm going to cover with you in this presentation and I'm going to show you what these six are and I'll show you how you can profit. using them a little bit later.
[00:02:08] Okay. So before you can use them, there's something important that I have to cover first. Okay. So before we get to the six steps, it's vital that you understand this. And that is the number one quality of a successful entrepreneur. In my opinion, that number one successful quality is not how smart they are.
[00:02:32] It is not how good they are at marketing or sales. It's not how good they are at technology, whether they're a new person or an expert person in a field. Sure. Those things can help, but that's not by far the number one quality that predicts if you're going to be a successful online entrepreneur, it's persistence, and your willingness.
[00:02:56] And your ability to carry on and push through when you're not getting results is the thing that will make or break your success as an entrepreneur. But why is that? Well, the path to a successful entrepreneur is almost never one where you have overnight success. This almost never happens. The journey to a successful, profitable online entrepreneur is a kind of up and down jagged path of success and failure.
[00:03:26] And as an example, what I often find is that you start a brand new business. And it's not going to be profitable out of the gate. Sometimes you might get lucky and start to get some profit immediately, but that's not normal. Normally you're going to start out and you're probably going to be losing money.
[00:03:45] That is the reality of building a digital business, building any kind of business, even out in the offline world, right? Even if you're going to set up a hotdog cart, you're going to have to buy materials. You're going to have to buy. You know, the condiment you're going to condiments, you know, mustard and ketchup and all that you're gonna have to buy your car, your umbrella you're going to have to then stand out there and try to attract attention.
[00:04:08] And then maybe over time, as people understand how good your hot dogs are, and they remember where you're at from the place you sat on the corner over time, you're going to become profitable, right? But not at the beginning. And that's the same thing with a digital business. It's no different than an offline business.
[00:04:27] A digital business certainly is less expensive to start than let's say, opening up a pet store or a restaurant or, you know, a retail establishment. It's far cheaper, but you still are going to go through that period where you should expect that you're going to be. Putting in time and energy and effort and not making money out of the gate.
[00:04:47] And a lot of people, then they start to make a little bit of money, but they're still, you know, maybe they're getting some revenue and they're making a few hundred dollars here, a few hundred dollars there, a couple of thousand dollars here, but then their expenses, whether it's with ads or other expenses, they're still not profitable.
[00:05:03] And it's at this state where most people quit. They jumped to the conclusion that, Oh, this isn't working. This doesn't work. I'm out and they quit. When I've seen so many entrepreneurs that were sitting on a literal gold mine and they didn't even know it and they quit their businesses because.
[00:05:21] They just didn't know. So, instead, those who persist beyond that and apply the six business multipliers I'm about to share with you are the ones that ultimately become successful. So, let's get into it. So, as I said, most quit. They don't even get to apply a single business multiplier before they give up and move on.
[00:05:42] Okay. So, you need to persist and you need to test these six business multipliers until you're certain your business is not. Viable, meaning that it's not going to ever become profitable and you need to do this based upon real data, not emotion. Everyone else quits because of emotion, momentary frustration at you at a bad time, a bad week.
[00:06:07] Maybe you're having personal issues, or maybe even personal financial issues. And you go to work on your business. And then you let emotion dictate whether or not you quit or whether you continue. Instead, you need to become analytical and look at the data following the procedure I'm going to show you.
[00:06:24] Don't let emotion influence you know, whether you keep going. And this could be good or bad. Negative emotion could get you to quit, but also you could start getting so frustrated with the money you've invested and the time you've invested and the emotion of that potential loss can trap you into continuing with a business that you should quit.
[00:06:44] So it goes both ways. So look at data, not emotion. And let's go over what these six business multipliers are. And in an online digital business, they are the following. Number one, traffic quality. This means are your ads and is the traffic you're getting, whether it's from Google for free, whether it's from Facebook for free, YouTube, paid ads, whatever it might be.
[00:07:11] How targeted are those visitors coming to your websites? Do they really truly want to buy what it is that you're selling? And if they're less targeted, they're colder. Maybe they don't, you know, they're unaware that of, that there are even solutions to the problems that they have. And you're trying to help them with something that you have that can help solve those problems, but they're just not aware that the problem can even be solved.
[00:07:37] They're not going to buy your stuff. So what you want to do is find people who are at least aware that they've got a problem and that there's potential solutions and that then you can explain how your product is the solution. So that's all goes into traffic quality. That's how aware the visitors are when they come to your website, how targeted they are they interested in your offer and the better the quality of that traffic, the better the results that you get.
[00:08:01] Some people start out sending really poor quality traffic, but they've got an amazing business. It's just their traffic is junk and it never works. And then they'll quit thinking the business is a failure when it wasn't. It was the traffic. Next up is the volume of traffic, and people often underestimate how much traffic do you really need to get in order to get measurable results.
[00:08:23] We'll cover that in a moment. Finally, you have your conversion rate, which is what rate at which the traffic comes to your website. Does it convert into sales, right? That could be converting into leads and then eventually into sales and things that bring you money in the door. There's a lot of things that influence conversion rate.
[00:08:45] Interestingly enough, number one, traffic quality. Is going to be a huge impact on whether or not people convert and number three. So business multiplier number 1 and number 3 are tightly related with each other. In fact, you might find that you need 2 or 3 or even 4 different landing pages to target different kinds of traffic.
[00:09:06] So you're the way you get sales needs to be lined up with. The traffic that you're getting, then you've got your pricing model. How much money are you charging for your products or services? And how, you know, how are you getting paid in your business? And that is the fourth multiplier. You have upsells.
[00:09:29] So many people don't have upsells. And in the case study, I'll be going through with you in a few minutes. I'm going to talk about a business that had no upsells and how I handled that. And then finally, we've got the 6th multiplier. We can call this the back end. You may have heard of people talking about the back end of their business, and that's really over the long term.
[00:09:51] What else can you sell them in the back end could be a lot of people think it has to be high ticket or you have to sell something really expensive doesn't necessarily have to be that it could be a membership that's paying you month after month. It could be promoting affiliate offers of other people's products, could be your back end, but you just need to have some kind of a plan after someone buys your basic product, buys any upsells or cross sells that you might have, what else can you get them to do?
[00:10:20] To buy or to do that's going to earn you money and that's the backend and I'm going to go over. I have a little spreadsheet I'm going to share in a moment and we're going to talk about how you work these six business multipliers because you have to work them one at a time. Many people jump in and they're changing all of these things.
[00:10:39] They'll jump in and they'll try different sources of traffic. They'll try sending a bunch of traffic, and then they cut it back and send a little traffic. They're trying different conversion, like sales pages and lead pages. They're trying different pricing. They're adding up sales. They're doing all kinds of these things all at once, and that's absolutely the wrong way to do it.
[00:10:57] I approach it one thing at a time. The key is, how do you decide which of these six things to focus on to multiply your business? So let's go over the steps of how we do that. So the steps to multiplying your business success are the following. First, you identify your weakest point. So when you go back and you look at those six points back here, which of the six are your weakest points right now?
[00:11:29] Okay so if you're not getting traffic at all, then your weak point is two. If you're getting some traffic, but it's horrible quality, then your weak point is number one. If you're targeting, you know, reasonably quality traffic, you know the visitors are targeted to what you have to offer, you're sending a sufficient amount of traffic, but it's not converting, then you know your weak point is three.
[00:11:51] If you're getting people all the way through where they're coming to your website, they're buying your stuff, but you're not making enough money, then you're going to want to look at point number four and so forth. So you identify starting from one on down. If you look for the weak point, and then you focus on it.
[00:12:10] Okay, so you identify where is your weak point in those 6 steps. You improve it. You test. This is an important step. When you identify a weak point and you make a change to your business, change one thing at a time and test it. So let's say that your weak point is conversion, right? So maybe you'll come in and you'll try a different headline or different sales copy or different images on your sales page or maybe a redesign of your sales page.
[00:12:43] Once you do that, then don't change anything else. And test it. And then you measure your results and you just repeat steps one, two, and three, and it's a never ending process. Even in my businesses that are 10, 20 years old, I am still doing these steps in my businesses continuously. And because also things change over time.
[00:13:08] So let's say all of a sudden my traffic quality degrades, right? Let's say I have a business that's five years old. We're killing it. Profit's been awesome. And then slowly my profit is going down down, and I have to go investigate, and I find the weak point and fix it. This is a continuous process.
[00:13:25] It never ends. So it is by working these points and only these points is how you're going to make a successful business. And I'm going to go over. I have a spreadsheet that I'm going to pull up on the screen. And by the way, I'll share the spreadsheet with you. I'll make it downloadable. I'll put it somewhere.
[00:13:47] So you can download it and use it yourself. But it's a spreadsheet that covers the 6 points and you put the numbers in and you can kind of. Measure and project what would happen if I got better traffic quality? What would happen if I sent more visitors? What would happen if I put an upsell or a back end?
[00:14:01] You know, you can play around with these numbers and you can see how they're going to change. And I'm going to talk about a business. It's actually a business that I started quite a long time ago. I actually bought the business on eBay. It was a business that was another person had and they were failing at it.
[00:14:17] They actually, It would make like, it would make a few hundred dollars here, a few hundred dollars there. Then some months it would lose money, some months it would make money. And the person that had it was frustrated and they were ready to move on. So they listed it for sale on eBay. I bought it and turned it into a 15 million dollar empire.
[00:14:34] So we're going to, show you. I'll talk through the timeline of everything that we changed and how I took it from a business that was like bouncing up and out of profitability, making a couple hundred bucks here or there, and then losing money other months. I'll tell you how I took it from that to 15 million dollars, and I'll go over every step I used in this business multiplier method to make that occur.
[00:14:56] And the two things are very tightly you know, together is by using the business multiplier is how. I got that business to be successful. So in this case study example that I'm going to be talking about, it's a business that helped people get money from the government. That's right. Like you've probably seen many of those, the government grant programs or unclaimed money or, you know, things like that.
[00:15:20] And it is, it was different ways of being able to get money from the government and it was an information product. So I sold them information about. How to do that. And that was the business that I bought. So when I bought it, it was very tightly focused on how to get a particular type of government money.
[00:15:37] And and yeah, and I bought it at that point. And at that time they were trying to get free traffic from Google. And I, and they were starting to experiment with Google ads. So they had a little bit of traffic. And the traffic quality was not great and the volume was not great, but they were making sales.
[00:15:54] And so we're going to go over, that's the state in which I bought the business on eBay. I spent, I think it was 3, 000 was the final purchase price. So I spent 3, 000 to buy this failing business. And you might think that's crazy, but when I did it. I thought there was a huge potential. I saw that the business had potential.
[00:16:15] Whereas I think many entrepreneurs might've looked at that business and thought, Oh, that's a failing business and moved on. So let's go over how I turned it around.
[00:16:26] All right, let me get my little spreadsheet here. And again, this spreadsheet is very simple.
[00:16:35] I'll adjust the size, just, you know what, I'll just do this. I'll just put it right there. So each of these is the six columns. We've got traffic quality, traffic volume, conversion rate.
[00:16:53] This is what I call the true conversion rate, and I'll explain what this is in a moment. Yeah, our price, our upsells, our back end, and our revenue. Okay? So we can enter information across this, and it'll run calculations and tell us how profitable we are. And so, let's start here and say traffic quality, this is a number at zero.
[00:17:14] It is neutral, meaning if the number is zero, traffic quality is just mediocre, right in the middle of the road. The better the traffic quality, the higher the number goes up to about 10, you know, and it can go down. If your traffic is lower quality, you would use negative numbers. So you can go, you know, if we have, you know, sort of, yeah, kind of not great traffic, not absolutely horrible, we can put a negative 3 on there.
[00:17:44] Okay, traffic volume, that's how much traffic you're sending over the whatever period of time you're measuring. So for this case, for a nice round number, I'm going to say.
[00:17:55] Conversion rate, that's the rate at which assuming you had just sort of average traffic, what it would convert out, okay? And as an example, this business converted at around 2%. So I'm going to put 2 percent there. Now, you'll notice the true conversion rate went down. So, here, I'm going to actually make these bold as well.
[00:18:22] Okay, true conversion rate went down because my traffic quality was kind of poor. So, had I set more targeted traffic, let's say it goes to zero. See, now the convert, now the rate goes to there. Now, let's say it begins to go up. Let's say traffic quality is a three. See how the conversion rate goes up? If it's a five, it goes up more because the better quality traffic.
[00:18:43] The higher your conversion rate is, so that's how traffic quality plays in with your true conversion rate. Okay, so in this case, I'm going to set it to zero. I think that's about the business that we're going to be talking about was at zero. Okay, it had okay. Traffic wasn't horrible. Wasn't good. It was sort of right in the middle.
[00:19:02] Okay, people were kind of interested. They you know, had some interest in the topic. Some of the keywords that they were using to get traffic were kind of generic, but they were related. They were kind of on topic. Okay, so that price. So when I bought the business, it was selling it was 1995. It just rounded it up to $20.
[00:19:25] So, so we're gonna call it $19 then. So price was $19. Okay. So now we can see immediately the revenue generated from a thousand visitors is $380. Okay? Now, most of the traffic that they were getting at the time was free and they were paying for some of it from AdWords. Okay? So, you know, that's not so bad if you're getting a thousand visitors.
[00:19:50] And let's say, on average, you're paying, you know, 20 cents a visitor for it then you're going to make 180, right? So, if traffic volume is that, it's costing you about 20 cents, that'd be 200 in traffic costs, we made 380 in revenue, and that's about kind of where the business was. It had no upsells, it had no back end.
[00:20:13] And it was making a little bit of money. And let's say that we had a month that Google rankings kind of went down and we didn't get as much free traffic. Then we would go into losing money because the paid traffic was costing money, but we also had free traffic kind of all together. So, some weeks we'd make money, some weeks we'd lose money.
[00:20:33] And I found that I tried ramping up the traffic volume. So, let's say I started to, you know, increase it and we sent 5, 000 visitors, but those 5, 000 visitors actually cost me 2, 000, right? Because I'm now paying to drive more and more traffic. And the traffic is more expensive because I'm targeting Google ads and the traffic volume went up.
[00:20:57] But I ultimately started losing money. That's the first thing that happened. I increased the traffic volume because I wanted to be able to start testing and seeing results from my tests. And I immediately started losing money. That was my first change. When I bought the business and fired it up, I just, I took exactly the same kind of traffic and just started ramping up my budgets, spending more money on Google ads.
[00:21:21] and increasing my traffic volume so that I could test properly. And that immediately threw me into losing money. I was fine with that because I knew that I had a lot of work to do. Okay, so the first thing that I did is I tried to put some upsells in. Okay, and I started to add other kinds of information that people could buy from this business.
[00:21:47] And so we would offer other information on personal finance, about careers, employment. How to make money. There were all these different kinds of offers of different kinds of information like ebooks things that I started to offer people. And so
[00:22:06] I started to offer 11 upsells. Okay. And you can see here, well, actually 11 was the average amount I would make off of each customer. That's the average amount I would make off each customer through my upsells was what that was. Okay. It was 11. And so you can see that it jumped up. Okay, and we started to get to where we were starting to make a little bit of profit.
[00:22:29] So we had we started out where I was losing basically 1, 000. Now I'm making 1, 000 purely from adding the upsells. Okay, and then something caught my eye. I noticed that the the 11 price point, and I noticed that people would come back and buy more info products. And so I thought I wonder what would happen if I took my price over here and I changed it to 11.
[00:23:02] Okay, but turned it into a monthly membership and first I started out at 19. I just flipped it. And I said, okay, let's try a monthly membership and let's take away our upsells. And instead of adding it as an upsell. It's just automatic. Okay, so let's say that every month they would renew at 19 a month.
[00:23:26] Okay. So what ended up happening was they were renewing about 2 months on average, or a month. So that would pay 19 the 1st month. They'd stick around the 2nd month. And then we were making even more money. Okay. So now, at this point, people were signing up at the 19 price, and it was renewing. The second month, they would renew and we get an average of about two months of of people's would stick with the program.
[00:23:51] So now I would get two payments of 19. Okay, so rather than making an upsell so that when someone immediately bought, I tried to sell them more stuff, I just automatically registered them to our monthly continuity plan and had it automatic. Basically what happened here. And then so my revenue went up again.
[00:24:10] So seeing that I started to play around with my price point. And I thought, I wonder what would happen if I lowered the price and that 11 number intrigued to me. So I actually made my price 11. And something quite cool happened. People would stick even longer. So not only would I get my first 11 payment, they would stick much longer.
[00:24:33] And you can see we made even more money. So now our stick rate went to four months, even though our price went down, we're making more money. So now we're investing 2, 000 in traffic and we're making 4, 400 a month. So now I'm making, you know, two, 3, 000 a month on average. Pretty cool. And the traffic is profitable.
[00:24:52] So I ramp up. My traffic some more now that I have a profitable model here, I increased my traffic and so now, okay, now I'm making at this stage traffic was costing me about 4, 000 a month. We're making about 8800. So I'll make it almost 5, 000 a month. Now, off this little business. This happened over the course of a few months.
[00:25:18] And it's here where I realized my weak spot was traffic quality. So we were targeting a lot of generic keywords. And so what I did is I went through all of our list of keywords that we were targeting for our ads, and I went through all the list of keywords that we were getting free traffic on, and identified the best quality keyword phrases that generated us the most sales.
[00:25:41] And I increased my bids, and I increased my budgets. On our best quality keywords that had a proven track record of making sales for us. And I lowered our the bids and in some cases completely paused many keywords that were, we were wasting money on ads that weren't generating sales. And so my traffic quality went up from a zero.
[00:26:02] Well, let's call it at this stage, we'll call it a two. So boom, now check that out. I'm spending about the same amount of money, about 4, 000 a month at this point on ads, and now I'm making over 10, 500. This is looking pretty good. And then I thought, okay, well, is there anything else that I could add to this to make this stick rate go longer or sell more stuff?
[00:26:32] So I started working on how to sell them more things. And we added some of the back end. Look at that product. Now look at this. So now if I'm spending 4, 000 on ads, I'm making 15, 000. I'm making 11, 000 a month. And it was at this stage where I realized. This is pretty cool. This is a job replacement type income and this changed everything for me.
[00:26:55] This process changed my life and it was what enabled me to stop going into the office and stay home and be a lot more involved with raising my boys at the time was because of running this process. And so I just continued working on this. And so then once I had that, I figured my monetization back here was perfect.
[00:27:17] I was making good money, the traffic, you know, for the cost of the traffic, the 11 price point, I locked it in, we had our upsells, we had our back end, we were all good, okay? So what I did is I came over here and I focused on traffic quality again, and I drove it up a little more. So let's call it, we sent it up to a three.
[00:27:37] And my sales continued to go up as I improved the quality of my traffic. I kept focusing, got it to a four. Now, I'm spending four grand to make 17, 000. Pretty crazy. So at this point, I think I'm pretty good on traffic quality. So I start increasing my bids. And so instead of spending 4, 000 a month, I double it again and we go to 8, 000 a month.
[00:28:01] I started taking all of my profits from the revenue over here and reinvesting it into driving my traffic up. So 000, we went to 20, 000. And then boom, I'm spending 8, 000 a month on traffic, but I'm making 35, 000 a month. Things are starting to look pretty darn cool. Then, as I keep doing that, I'm tweaking a little more and I drive my traffic quality up just a little more.
[00:28:28] So now I'm spending 8, 000. A month on, on traffic, but I'm making 37, 000. And at this point I need to start hiring staff because I can't, at this point, I can't just deal with everything myself. My wife started to help me a little bit on the side and we actually ended up bringing in her mom. So, my kid's grandma was helping me handle customer service and just answering support questions and things like that.
[00:28:52] So I had a, started to get my first staff and the business continued to grow. So, now, I'm going to ramp it up again. I double my traffic again. Again, reinvesting all of the revenue that I make over here and put it over here, okay? So now we're spending 16, 000 a month. In traffic, but making 75, 000 in revenue.
[00:29:17] Things are awesome. The world is fantastic. And we ride this business. And it had some of its ups and downs. We had issues at times with you know, traffic would slow down, we'd lose Google rankings, or we'd have, you know, Google ads would disapprove a bunch of our ads, and then we'd have to go back and forth with Google.
[00:29:34] So, things went up and down. But you can see, this made a lot of money every single month. And I started out you know, I had to invest the initial 3, 000 to buy the business and then I spent probably another 5, 000 out of my pocket as we were testing and losing money on traffic at the beginning. You know, so call it an initial investment of about 8, 000 over that first few months.
[00:30:01] And look what it turned into. And all I did is I took every drop of profit. Once the business started generating profit over here, I took every drop of profit and poured it back in over here. And to improving traffic quality and traffic volume, or I would hire a programmer or a designer to help me over here by changing my sales pages or adjusting my pricing or things like that.
[00:30:27] And that was the process to go from a little business. It was losing money. To a massive business that gave me freedom to stay home with my kids while making a big old pile of money. And that is the case study of how I did this. It is simply by adjusting these six points. That's how I did the entire thing.
[00:30:50] And so realize building a business will take some investment of money in your business, whether it's because you're investing in traffic. or you're investing in hosting or building a website or whatever expenses you're going to have to get your business up and running. And you should expect to put money out to be able to build that business and run it through while you adjust the business multiplier steps.
[00:31:13] And then over time, you're going to flip from a business that is taking investment of time and money from you to a business that you can use the profits. To hire outsourcers, hire staff get additional help, reinvest the money into getting more and more traffic. And that's the path that you can use to build the business up.
[00:31:35] And so for me you know, I started making money at the beginning and my choice was not to keep the money, not to take the money. And, you know, go out and have nice dinners with my wife. Instead, I took all the money and reinvested it all 100 percent back into the business to grow it. And I did that for, you know, several months at the beginning to scale it up to that level.
[00:31:56] And then finally, when it hit where it was making a lot of money. We had a team, I have some outsourcers. We had, you know, the grandma helping with the customer support. At that point is when I started to actually take money out of the business. And but it was making a hefty profit by that time.
[00:32:13] So that is the secret to my 15 million success selling information products. And and the tool that I used to do this now, I'll give you that spreadsheet. It's a really simple spreadsheet, nothing complicated, but I'll give you a copy of it. So we'll put down below the video somewhere a link so that you can download the spreadsheet and use it on your own.
[00:32:35] And you can run different projections too. So if you want to use the sheet to see, well, what would happen if I increase my traffic, what would happen if I change my price or conversion rates went down, conversion rates went up, and you can kind of make projections and kind of see how things might change.
[00:32:50] So you can use it for projecting the future, but you can also use it for. Evaluating your weak point on where do you want to focus the next multiplier that you're going to focus on. And again, work one at a time. Don't get distracted working multiple multipliers at a time. Do one at a time, jumping from whichever one that you feel is your weak point, your weakest point.
[00:33:14] Go to that one, focus on it, improve it, test it. When you verify by stats, by data, that you have improved it. You take another look, and you look for the next multiplier, and then you focus on it, change one thing only, test it. When the data shows that you know, you're making more money, that could be because you're making more money.
[00:33:33] Like, you just look at the sales at the end of the week, and did they go up, you know? And that's, you don't have to get really crazy with the way you're measuring it. In fact, at the time I was doing this, We didn't have any of the crazy tracking tools and testing tools that are available to everyone today.
[00:33:51] I had to just do the math by hand to figure out if it was working or not. You know, how much money did I spend? How many visitors did I send? How many sales did we make? And I had spreadsheets that I had to do this all by hand. So you don't need fancy tools. You don't need to overcomplicate that. You can do it again just by doing some math by hand or on a piece of paper to work this out.
[00:34:13] And there you have it. There are the six business multipliers and the way I use them to build a 15 million dollar info product empire. And we'll see you next time. Bye for now.