5 Day Challenge Classroom Training:
Bonus Training #1: Use SEO Plus Social Media To Get Ranked
Bonus Training #1 Resources:
Want to learn how PushButton AI will work for you? Schedule a 1:1 Business Strategy Session with our expert, Jake! Use this link to set up a time that works for you: https://calendly.com/jakefannin/marketing-strategy-session
5 Day Challenge Bonus Training Session 1
[00:00:00] Bill McIntosh: All right, cool. Problems coming through. Is
[00:00:20] that what's visible?
[00:00:21] Jay Gerring: Yes, it is. Sorry, I was muted.
[00:00:25] Bill McIntosh: I love to do that. Talk while I'm muted. It doesn't work really well. Yeah.
[00:00:36] And off we go. So by now you're probably familiar with how heavily I focus on problems, goals, and benefits of doing marketing. Because it's it should be woven throughout your business isn't just a marketing strategy. It should be something that you really think about and consider throughout your entire business from product creation to support to and then going all the way forward into your marketing.
[00:01:10] So it's not just a marketing gimmick, but today we're going to be talking a bit about how you take problems, goals, and the related benefits that you do in your research. And you have a few ways to do this. There are ways of uncovering problems, goals, and related benefits using tools like ChatGPT or Clod or Google Gemini to do it by hand.
[00:01:32] And we have prompts and things that I've shared that will help you do some of that, but it's baked into PushButton AI. To do this. So, when, anytime you build a site, that's the very first thing you're going to do is actually, if there's a research process that the AI works with you to find 10 problems or goals that you're working Market is experiencing.
[00:01:54] And then what are the benefits that they would achieve from that? And that everything stems from that. So when it comes to your marketing messages, the course that's created, they're all inspired or guided by these, this 10 pgb, as we call it, and where it becomes valuable for traffic is because we know that their minds subconsciously or consciously and emotionally These are things that are on their mind.
[00:02:24] These are the goals that they hope to achieve, their aspirations. Some of them are probably things that they may not have even, they may not even talk to others about, or maybe they only talk to their spouse about. And the same with problems. There are lots of problems that people experience in just about any market.
[00:02:42] And sometimes those problems, again, they're unvoiced, but they're experiencing it, they're thinking about it. And when we put content out on the web, it acts like bait. So you think about like when you're fishing, right? You're trying to lure over a fish and entice them to you know, bite on the line.
[00:03:01] And what this the content can be in the content can be a variety of different kinds of content. The easiest is written content and we do it in a blog post style article type of a piece of content. We focus it in on the key problems that the audience is, you know, our market is facing the key goals that they're trying to achieve and we tease them with the benefits and remind them of what things will be like if they achieve the goals and solve those problems.
[00:03:30] Okay. And it is by creating a blog post piece of content. And I can show you some examples of this in a little bit is how we bring them to our site. This is good for so many different reasons. One is we know if our market is out there scrolling through Facebook and you know, the kind of mind I do this, we're sort of mindlessly scrolling.
[00:03:50] You know, I actually found myself a little embarrassed to admit this, but I found myself this is about two weeks ago and I'm laying in bed. I wake up, like I wake up in a moment. As I was falling asleep I was mindlessly like a zombie doing this motion with my finger on my phone.
[00:04:09] Like, just scroll and I had fallen asleep while scrolling on the social media feed. So . So that's a really dramatic example, but I think a lot of people kind of mindlessly do that, whether it's for entertainment, habit, whatever. And we need to jump out of that timeline. So if we're going to put content out there that people on social are going to be interested in looking at, we have to jump out at them.
[00:04:34] And there are a couple of ways to do that. One is by, you know, right imagery, you know, in the way your image captivates and grabs attention. But the bigger way to do it is by making clear that you're going to help them with something important to them, something that they care about, which is the 10 problems, goals, and benefits.
[00:04:53] So when they see is there sort of zombie like flipping through the timeline and up scrolls by a link to one of your articles, it's got an interesting picture. And it says, Hey, I'm going to show you how to achieve X, Y, Z goal so that you can get X, Y, Z benefits. Check it out. Well, that is going to grab the exact right person who should buy your products because your products help them with those, that particular problem or goal.
[00:05:22] So now they're going to stop scrolling. That's the biggest battle right there in social. They're going to tap on your link and they're going to go read the article on your website. And they're prime. They're perfect. They're ideal to be the customer that buys your product. And so we don't get like the wrong kinds of traffic coming to our website.
[00:05:40] That's a big battle in getting traffic. It's not necessarily hard to get traffic. I mean, heck, you can just, I can go spend a little bit of money and have traffic from Twitter in an hour. But the goal is bringing the right kind of traffic, the people who are actually going to buy your stuff. And so this is a big way to help you achieve that by filtering out.
[00:05:59] So only the are going to click on your content or those that are going to. experience those problems and goals that make them want to buy. And so that's the bait. And they're going to come over to your website. They're going to browse it. They're going to look at it. And while they're in your article, they're going to see that you have other stuff.
[00:06:15] And what we like to do is just have you know, right in the article, I'll just make a big headline saying, you know, Hey, are you experiencing X, Y, and Z problem? Click here to find the answer. And they'll click and then they end up in your sales funnel so that click might lead them to an opt in to subscribe to get a free benefit it might lead a click might lead to your sales page that sells your course or depending on what your strategy is, but you'll have an article and it will be a prominent link that links to what you have for sale.
[00:06:45] And that is the way we lure them over. Now I'm going to talk some details about how you pull this off, and I'll show you some more specific stuff in a moment, but that's the overall concept. So give me a moment to pull up my screen. I got another browser window I want to show you in just a moment.
[00:07:04] Just bear with me while I get it ready.
[00:07:09] So, I'm going to show you some examples of content that is designed to do this. So
[00:07:21] where is the
[00:07:29] one? No, I can't find the one I want to show you, but we'll start with this one.
[00:07:40] This might be an example of one. One of the concerns that people have in this market, which is the dog, another dog training example, is that what if they're new to this? They don't know anything about it. They're a beginner. You know, how do they actually have techniques that they can use that will work with them and their pet.
[00:07:57] And so here's an example of that content. Now, one of the things that we've done is we're using AI images. So this is an AI image that we created here. Another AI image here. And you'll see them sprinkled throughout. There's another one there. And you can get these, whether you use MidJourney, is a great place.
[00:08:18] I love MidJourney. There's now OpenAI, you know, and ChatGPT has Dolly. That's another good place to get them. There's a lot of places you can get AI images now. And these are just, you can just prompt it if you just go to chat GPT and and prompt it to make you an image of a well behaved dog sitting in the park.
[00:08:35] And you can say, I want it in the style of a, you know, an illustration that's going to give you an image. And so you would go through the trouble of making a few images. And then we're going to make our piece of content. And I'll talk more about the content creation strategy in a minute. But you notice it's broken down into sections.
[00:08:54] Each one has got a little sub headline and then there's some, you know, you have a sub headline and some content and we're going to break this down in more detail. You'll also notice this particular article I'm showing you is kind of long and then here's a related YouTube video we embedded as well.
[00:09:09] Even though this is not our video, it's still useful to include it and I'll explain why in a minute. And we even have some frequently asked questions at the bottom. So now in this demo,
[00:09:25] in this particular one, this is a great example of what the article should look like. And you'll notice we have internal links as well. So these blue things here, these are all links pointing to other pieces of content to get them deeper into our website. That's actually a very important piece of this puzzle.
[00:09:43] See, there's another example of a deep link that points to yet another piece of content.
[00:09:51] So what we do is we make. These posts, we call them pillar posts. They're quite long. They can be, you know, up to 5, 000 words of content. That's a bit on the long side, but they can be, I would say, between 000 words of content. And then when you put it in social media, you quite literally just, you know, copy it like that and share it on your Facebook page timeline or in your Facebook group or wherever you want to share that.
[00:10:20] And that's really the simplicity of it. So let's dive a little deeper into the topic. So we have two steps really. So we create the content, we're going to use AI to do it, helps identify, you're going to make sure you use the 10 problems, goals, and benefits. That's key. And then we're going to have two steps of giving content away.
[00:10:45] One is our free article. And then the other one is giving away a free report, and we give away a free report, so someone browses our article, they click on a link that takes them to a squeeze page, where they then can join our mailing list and get a free report. Now as you know, Pushbutton AI does all these things for you, that's all part of the done for you aspect of what we do in Pushbutton AI.
[00:11:12] But for those here who don't have Pushbutton AI, these are all things that are pretty easy to do. In my five day challenge training, there, I did show how to do that. But that's the process. You're going to go from a free article to a squeeze page to somebody joining your list. Okay? Now, the beauty of all of this is that they're signing up to get free information, and they end up as a lead on your list, and you're attracting them like, just like a magnet, pulling people into your website.
[00:11:41] And now we're going to talk about how to share this and how to get free traffic. But then more importantly, how do you amplify that and get lots more with a little bit of paid advertising? So how do you go? How do you make a little bit of paid advertising have a really big impact? So what I like to do is make a dedicated squeeze page, right?
[00:12:03] A dedicated opt in page where someone can join our list. And I like to make one for every single problem or goal that I've identified. So I like to come away with 10 of these now with our lead generation sites that we build in pushbutton AI We build these for you if you choose that type of a site But I do recommend if you can to make one for each of the 10 problems goals And as I said that content you get shared in social media That acts as bait to get the person to come to your website.
[00:12:35] They then you know, see a little link that says, Hey, get a free report, you know, learn how to solve your problem. And then they join your list and then you email them. And then of course, that's the fun part where we make all the money.
[00:12:53] Okay. And we're going to skip through this here. I'm going to, I'm going to skip some of this. Some of this is a part of a sales presentation. So I'm going to, I'm going to see if I can just fast forward us through that. Okay. You guys know all of that, skip that.
[00:13:15] So then. There's missing something missing at this point. So the next problem is how do we actually get traffic to sign up for our course? And I'm just curious of your opinions. You know, I've started the T I've already kind of started to tease my strategy, but there's so many ways to get traffic and all of them are correct.
[00:13:38] All of them were, all of them are profitable. I know a lot of people are looking for the magic bullet, right? What is the magic bullet and which exact strategy should I use? And Jim, your experience of doing this, I know you've run quite a lot of Facebook ads, but you know, I know that I think that's kind of your favorite method.
[00:13:57] Is that still true? Is Facebook ads your favorite method? I put you on the spot, so now you have to unmute.
[00:14:09] Oh, are you there, Jay? Oh, I heard
[00:14:13] Jay Gerring: Jim. So I didn't answer. Yeah. Yeah. No, I've done a lot with Facebook ads over the years. So yeah, it's that still is my, one of my favorite methods for sure. Yeah. And you know, other, otherwise yeah. Solo ads work well
[00:14:25] Bill McIntosh: too. Yeah. Solo ads are pretty good. And I think I mean, I think the thing that I'm looking at is is there any one like magic bullet traffic strategy, you know, In my opinion, not really.
[00:14:38] I'm putting it on the spot. I know, I realized that you weren't anticipating me asking you this. Oh, no, it's fine. Yeah. I
[00:14:43] Jay Gerring: think, yeah, I think not really. Yeah. I mean, I think when it comes down to it, it's really testing, you know what I mean? It's you know, and some of it can really also depend on the, you know, the type of the type of product you're selling or the service you're selling.
[00:14:57] And sometimes you may find that something like search ads through Google is more effective than Facebook ads or or other ads on other social media. So yeah, I think there's just a lot, I mean, but I've certainly found over the years. I mean, I've had a lot of success with Facebook ads, but on the other hand you know, it's also true that you can find success through a lot of different channels.
[00:15:18] And I think that's you know, mainly. You know, kind of pick one channel to start with and then start adding them as you find, you know, as you find stuff that works, that's the way I like to look at it.
[00:15:30] Bill McIntosh: Yeah. And that's, that is you know, if I take a look at these the really successful, cause I've had a lot of businesses courses and digital products, all kinds of stuff and all kinds of markets.
[00:15:40] And the ones that really became runaway successes, I never relied on just one traffic strategy. Actually, those that I found that if I set up a business and I stuck with only one traffic strategy, it usually didn't survive like that. That ultimately was what they would die off eventually for one reason or another.
[00:15:58] But when I diversified and started going into multiple traffic strategies, That's really when things kind of came together. So the beauty of this is what I'm going to, but what I'm going to show you does combine. It's actually a couple of different strategies all rolled into one. So, which that'll make sense as we go.
[00:16:17] So let's power ahead. All right. So there is something called topical authority. And you might have heard of this. It's mostly talked about in the realm of search engine optimization, which gets you free traffic from Google, right? So, and some from Bing. Bing still has a decent amount of traffic over there.
[00:16:36] But, you know, Google's the big one. And then there are others. But topical authority means that you have established, you have somehow proven to Google and the other search engines that on a particular topic. You are an authority and that they can trust the information that you're sharing because you're an authority and you're going to put out useful, helpful information that, you know, that they can share with their users without worrying that you're going to mislead them, you're telling them stuff that's not true, or you're just giving bad information and it's by achieving topical authorities, how we get that free traffic from Google and what a search engine optimization expert will do is they'll create what's called a topical map.
[00:17:19] And this is basically a list of all of the words, phrases, and concepts that they would expect that you to talk about and that for an expert in the field to say, like they know when there's an expert on a topic, writing about that topic, as opposed to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
[00:17:42] They have identified what are the words, the phrases, the slang, the stuff that people say related to a topic that proves that you're an authority. Okay. And also if you are an authority, then you're going to kind of be able to cover just about every angle, right? Like you could consider me an authority on, you know, online entrepreneurship.
[00:18:03] And if I were going to go write content personally, I could write on just about any topic. I can write on traffic. I can write on. some of the technical aspects of things, marketing strategy, I can write about SEO, copywriting, and so by doing that I'm demonstrating my expertise. And how you do that, to reverse engineer that, instead of it being sort of natural and organic, you can reverse engineer it by building a topical map.
[00:18:30] Which is, again, that's the list of concepts phrases slang, so forth, that one might talk about. Now, you can also use your 10s, problems, goals, and benefits to assemble a topic map. So if you think about each of your problems, goals, and benefits, kind of think about each one of those as a sort of a topical map, okay?
[00:18:52] So if you take one of your main problems, let's say, we'll use the dog Mitch again as an example. Let's say you're taking up the problem of aggressive behavior. Well, I could identify that as a topic that might come up in Google. And I want to figure out what are the search phrases that are related to specifically to that search intent.
[00:19:12] So when someone intends to solve that problem, what are they searching for? And then I take that and I assemble sort of a map of what are all the con, what are all the concepts and topics and things that I need to talk about. And now I know what to write about. So now I know that if I want to dominate that concept of how to handle aggression in dogs, I now know I need to talk about a whole realm of different topics.
[00:19:40] And once I've done that, once I've shown Google that I have talked about all of those things, I become an authority. And each of your 10 problems, goals and benefits kind of becomes a pillar that holds up your business and it's sort of the pillar of your traffic and that's what we call them pillar posts as well.
[00:20:01] Okay, so, that's what those really long posts I showed as an example here. We'll pull this one back up again. Let me go back around here. So, you know, I talked about these posts that should be lengthy, you know, they include links out to useful resources, they include links pointing to pages within your site, they include pictures they have each of these each of these sub headlines is a topic from our topical map.
[00:20:28] Let's say we know that one of the topics that someone is going to be asking about in this relevant to this is how to teach your dog to stay, right? So we've put it here in a sub headline.
[00:20:40] And then this is one of those pillar posts, okay? This becomes what holds up, you know, the traffic for the site. And it helps establish us as an authority. Okay, give me a moment while I look at my slide deck for just a moment. Okay, well I'll talk about this. This is something that we're in the middle of rolling it out.
[00:21:05] I'm rolling it out slowly. And that is our traffic packs. So I know several of our people in Ultimate Program are excited about this. We are rolling this out slowly. So if you don't have this, you'll be having a link to be able to claim your traffic packs. And also anybody in the five day challenge who joins, there's only a few days left to do this, you guys are going to get a free traffic pack.
[00:21:30] And so here's what we do in the traffic packs. And this is also what you would do yourself if you want to do this yourself, okay? So we research each of the 10 problems, goals and benefits, and you can literally go to chat GPT. If you want to do this yourself and you could tell chat GPT. Here's a problem that my audience has.
[00:21:50] Here's who my audience is. What are the keywords? What are the phrases that have the intent? It's key that you tell it that I want to know the search phrases that have the intent. Okay. To solve this problem or achieve this goal, and it can give you back a list of keywords. Now you can also use keyword research tools.
[00:22:11] You know, you've heard me talk about tools like Mangools, a really weird name, but a pretty useful tool. And that's just M A N G O L S. And you can also dig further there if you want to get your list to be pretty comprehensive. Then you can use AI. So what you can do is you can feed your list. So let's say you come back with a list of, you know, 300 keywords related to that unique problem that your audience has, you know, taming aggression in your pet and your dog.
[00:22:41] Well, we can feed that to chat GPT and we just tell it say, Hey, here's a list of keywords with the search intent to solve this problem. Can you break this down into a set of topics and tell me what topic each one of these keyword phrases fits in. And it will come back and it'll tell you and it'll say, like, well, one topic is aggression while walking and here's a list of all the keywords related to that.
[00:23:06] And it's not going to break your list down into pieces. You know, according to that. And so you might come away, you may take 300 keywords and you might come away, you know, with 15 topics, let's just say 10 topics. And then what you know is you need to write on each one of those 10 topics and you need to include those keywords.
[00:23:23] Okay. in your articles, especially in your titles for your pages, and especially in the sub headlines that appear on your pages. Okay. So what I usually do is create one pillar post for each of the 10 problems or goals. Okay. The pillar post is going to be 2, 500 words or more. Okay. This is a hefty long article, useful, helpful, filled with information.
[00:23:52] And it's the pillar that holds up this part of your business. Then we use AI and we create new content. So every day you need to post new content to your site. And if you get a traffic pack, we'll do that for you. We'll post to your site every single day. Now AI also, we really, if you notice, I pointed out in the example, let me pull it around here again.
[00:24:15] You'll notice that we strategically, these blue sections are links and we strategically linked to related content on our site. You don't want to, it's not random. It's very intentional and it's very related to our content. And what this does, this goes back to helping prove to Google that we are an authority on this topic, right?
[00:24:41] So Google will come and browse this page, will literally crawl the page and they'll see, Oh, here's another link. They'll click it. They'll come look and they'll say, Oh, look at this. Here's some more useful content. Okay. And then they'll continue to do that. They'll crawl through and they'll actually look at, they actually pay attention to how your pages are interlinked and how they're linked together and what topics they are about.
[00:25:04] There's a lot of names for this. You might've heard people talk about silos. If you've ever heard that's kind of an old school search engine term. Topic clusters. There's all kinds of names for it, but it's by linking related articles on similar topics together. You're proving to Google that you're an authority.
[00:25:21] Okay, that's important.
[00:25:26] Okay. So I'm going to then we're going to talk about how to amplify this. Okay. And then let me look back in my slide deck. Let's
[00:25:36] see. There,
[00:25:47] we'll just go to this for a second. Okay. So now. You just this is what we do over and over again. We just continue posting content. So first we go about establishing our topics based around our 10 problems and goals. Then we break that down into the related keywords. Then we group that into topic clusters.
[00:26:09] Then we make pillar posts, right? That's the setup procedure for this. So you'll have 10 of these pillar posts. And now we can start blogging, right? That's essentially now we're set up. We have a roadmap for our blogging strategy and we're going to post a blog post every single day related to one of those 10 problems, goals, or benefits.
[00:26:32] We're going to link up to our pillar post. So in our new blog post, we're going to link up to our pillar post. We are also going to link to our sales pages, our squeeze pages, and to whatever else that we want to sell right within that article. Now, again, this, I know we have a lot of ultimates here. So if you guys are here and you build one of our lead generation sites, we do all like a lot of this is already done for you.
[00:26:56] The 10 squeeze pages are done. You know, all the sites are set up so they'll automatically promote and advertise all of your squeeze pages in your articles that's done automatically by the system. That's if you do a lead generation website. So now what do you do with this? So how do you actually you know, how do you actually get traffic from this?
[00:27:18] Well, by sharing it first, you know, just because you posted the articles doesn't mean that Google is going to rank you. There's a lot of factors. There's a lot more that goes into ranking on Google than just making the content, and that's a subject for another day on getting links and some other strategies.
[00:27:34] But now that we've posted the content, we're going to share it in social media. And it's really important that you have social media for your site, that you have a Twitter, that you have a Facebook page if you can set up a LinkedIn, that's good too you can set up a Pinterest, but it's really important that you actually set up a real profile for your new website at all of these places, and that you link back to your site and then you share content there, so you share your cool images pointing to your articles on Pinterest, you share You're cool.
[00:28:06] Articles over on Twitter and over on your Facebook page and even on LinkedIn. All of them are just shares. So they're just going to be a link pointing back to your blog posts. So in these examples.
[00:28:22] Now here, let me see if I can get into a dog page here. One second, just for, we have like a billion dog pages, but I don't know which ones I have access to in my account. One second, let me just,
[00:28:37] let me take a look. So I'll find one of our old,
[00:28:47] one of our old blog pages, and I'll just show you an example of how you do this. So we want our, Let's see, we want, where
[00:29:06] do I see my pages? Facebook changes everything constantly. They don't make it easy. That's for sure. I'm just going to try going to good old Facebook right there. Bear with me, everybody. I'm just going to, I want to demonstrate an example of how you're going to do this. So give me one second. Oh, here we go. Pugs are awesome. I don't want to review changes to my page. Go away. Okay. Okay. So,
[00:29:40] okay. So one of the things that we're going to want to do. So here is an example of one of our old Facebook pages that we were promoting in the dog niche. Okay. I haven't posted on it in a while, but this is a, this was something we were doing in the dog niche and drove quite a lot of traffic with. Okay.
[00:29:54] So we're going to come over here. And we're going to post. Now, we want to post as our page. Now, you might know on Facebook, there's a difference between your personal profile and your business page. Those are two separate things. So, we want to post on this page as the page, not as us, the person. Okay? So, you'll notice it says, switching to Pugler Awesome Page to take more action.
[00:30:18] So, I'm going to hit switch. I'm going to say switch. Okay, I don't have time to check all this stuff out. Okay. Let's keep looking here. All right. So then we're going to scroll down to where it says, what's on your mind?
[00:30:39] And we're just going to create a post. And literally all we're going to do, if Facebook is going to cooperate,
[00:30:49] Okay, I don't know what's happening here, but Come on, Facebook, you can do it. Hold on, let me try refreshing over here and see what is going on.
[00:31:09] Create a post. Well, Facebook is broken, so So look, even with billions of dollars in resources, they're still bugs. But yeah, no, I can't make a post. That is crazy.
[00:31:31] I wonder, okay, well, we're going to pretend so you can imagine together with me. What we would do is we just take right here from our browser window. We would copy that link. We come over here to Facebook and we'd paste it in here. We would literally just make like a, just like a Facebook post. You might make with your friends on Facebook.
[00:31:49] If you were sharing an interesting article. So you might go, you know, this is amazing. It helps you solve X, you know, and then you pop your link. And then Facebook is going to like pull in one of the pictures off of your page and display it as a preview, and it'll have a nice prominent link to your page, and it would post it to this page.
[00:32:08] Now why Facebook is freaking out, I don't know, but there we go. That's just nuts. Okay.
[00:32:16] Alright, but that's the simplicity of it. So we're going to take our link, we're going to share it on Facebook, and then hopefully, you know, Zuckerberg fixes whatever's going on so that you can share the link on Facebook. And yeah, that's just crazy.
[00:32:35] All right, so now I'm going to I think I'm gonna come on camera. Let me see if there's any other slides I need to show. No, I'm gonna, so I'm gonna come back on camera. Let's see if I can get this. End of my screen share. Oh, stop share. There we go. Okay. All right. So we're going to share that on your social media.
[00:33:00] And the more social places you can share it, the better. Okay. Now what I do from there, this helps Google discover us. Okay. So we work on building our social media presence and sharing articles, you know, and you can do every single time you do a blog post, you know, that blog post per day. You then share it on your socials and, you know, as many channels as you can manage, it depends a little bit on your time and your expertise.
[00:33:26] If all you have the bandwidth to focus on is just Facebook, then focus on just Facebook. If all you can do is focus on Twitter. And if you can do multiple, then do multiple. And there are tools out there that can help you manage your Facebook or your, sorry, your social sharing and posting.
[00:33:43] There's like, there's a million tools for managing that to help you organize it. HootSuite what was, what's the one, we're actually looking at switching to one. I'm trying to remember the name of it so I could recommend it. But anyway, I'll, I can share some of those, some recommended tools.
[00:33:58] Point is, you want to share every blog post you make in social media. This sets, ascends what's called social signals to Google. And Google sees. Oh, this is being shared in social media. And if your posts get some reshares, if they get some clicks, people click from Facebook and go look at your content, people read your content.
[00:34:19] Google sees that. And that's a sign that you have good content and they'll begin to rank it. Okay. There are other factors. Which I'm not going to cover today. It's not intended to be like a advanced SEO, you know, search engine optimization course. But we're going to share in social, then we're going to run ads.
[00:34:37] So if you're comfortable running ads, you would take a small budget. Don't spend a lot of money. You can get by with as little as 2. You know, we would typically do two to as much as 5 a day. Some markets that are really expensive, like the internet marketing market, clicks are very expensive. So we might have to spend 10 to 20, right?
[00:34:59] So if you're in a really expensive market, Some examples might be oh, diet and weight loss might be expensive. Certainly internet marketing business to business marketing tools. If you're targeting attorneys, like there's some key niches that are just expensive and in those you can spend up to 20, but for most niches, two to 5 is plenty.
[00:35:20] Okay. And that's what you would spend per day. And we go into Facebook and we run an ad and we say, Hey, we want to target people who are interested in dog training. That's simple. Just, it's called interest targeting. And you can tell Facebook that you have some searching you can do to search for different interests.
[00:35:38] So you look for dog training, dog behavior, you know, pet training, you know, what, some related topic. Okay. And you don't have to be like a master at targeting. So as long as you get it kind of at least halfway close, you're going to be fine. Okay. So we run a 2 to 5 spend per day, and we run that for three days pointing to our our site.
[00:36:02] If that post does well, we let it keep running. Okay. If it doesn't do well, meaning you spend, let's say you spend, you know, the 15 and you've got very few clicks. And nobody signed up to your mailing list and nobody bought anything. Well, you would shut it off. We just pause that ad or turn it off. You will find that for about every 10 blog posts that you do this with, you'll find one to two will be good, right?
[00:36:32] I know that's not huge, a huge success rate, but that's generally what it is. So this is a little bit like throwing a bunch of stuff against the wall and let's see what sticks. So one to two out of every 10 are going to be a winner. So you're going to see, oh, a lot of clicks are good. So you want to target that you're getting a click through rate of the people who see and click on your link.
[00:36:53] It's called a link click through rate of at least an absolute minimum of 2%. Some niches can get as high as 40 percent click through rates, but if you're, you know, if you're getting below 2%, you know, for sure, just pause it. After three days, if it's below 2%, pause. And then you start to compare it. So as you post, let's say you're going to make one of these posts a day.
[00:37:14] And you've, once you've done that 10 times, you'd start to get a feel for, okay, how much is it costing me to get clicks? What is my link click through rate on average? And we start to use that to pause and get rid of ads that are the lower performers and keep the better performers. And so I like to have a little stable of ads.
[00:37:33] You can have between one and five ads that are performing well, and I keep them running. And then I keep cycling in new every time I make a new blog post, I make a new ad and then keep pausing the bat. So I have a little stable of all my best performing ads that I'm constantly running just a little spend on each one of them.
[00:37:50] And so what will happen will be people will be clicking and going over to your site. Interacting with your site, reading, browsing, Google will see this and then Google begins to pick it up. Okay, and then Google can rank you. The other factor that happens if you keep your spend going, you're going to start to get likes on your page.
[00:38:09] So you're going to start to have fans on your Facebook page. You're going to start to get shares. You're going to start to get likes. These all send more signals. So those will send signals back to Facebook that your stuff is good. And they'll start to boost it a little bit and give it more free exposure.
[00:38:25] Beyond your paid ads, you're going to get also free exposure. And as they see you're advertising better and good articles and useful content, Was realized we're not sending him to a pitch Google and Facebook love this because we're sending him to useful, helpful content, which is different than a click that goes straight to a hard sell, you know, like a hour long video sales letter that wants him to spend some money, right?
[00:38:49] Instead, we're going, Hey, here's a useful piece of content makes the users happy, makes Facebook happy and Facebook begins to reward you with more and more exposure. At the same time, we begin to send signals to Google, and Google rewards you, so it like feeds on each other, okay? And so the more social channels you can do this with, the more of the cross pollination, it multiplies itself, and the more traffic you get, the organic traffic, your free organic traffic goes up.
[00:39:19] You end up with your paid, you have your little stable of paid ads that are doing well. You'll notice you're getting subscribers, right? So people coming to your site, they'll be joining your list. You begin to get sales and then off and away your business goes. And this is, to me, the easiest path forward, especially for, especially if you're not somebody who wants to become a paid ads expert.
[00:39:41] You know, if you want to launch fast and you want to get quick test results and you want to scale fast, Then paid ads is where it's at, but not everybody either for a budget reason or experience or for they're just maybe they just don't want to give, you know, they just don't want to spend a lot of money on ads for lots of reasons.
[00:40:01] This is a good balanced way to get started and get free and paid without having to invest a fortune. And this is definitely my preferred number one traffic strategy. Especially when you're launching a new site. So, so that is my recommendation. That is my traffic. Tactic for you all. And so what we can do now is I haven't been able to see the chat.
[00:40:27] So, Jay, if you can maybe you could do some chat wrangling for me. Sure. But what we could do is kick it back to questions. People can come on. Mike, if you want to, we'll have to control it. So one person speaks at a time. Or we can do questions in the chat for those who are not comfortable coming on.
[00:40:44] Mike. It's either way is good. Yeah, we got a couple
[00:40:47] Jay Gerring: of them in the chat here. Let's see Jackie's asking, do I need a separate business account for each platform, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube for each
[00:40:55] Bill McIntosh: course? So each platform is slightly different. So, you can make a separate business page as an example on Facebook.
[00:41:04] You don't need a new Facebook account. So you log into your primary personal account. And you can create what's called a business page. And yes, you need a separate business page. For each site, generally, there's some exceptions to that, but usually one per site. I also like to do the same thing on You could call it one per niche, I suppose, as opposed to one per site.
[00:41:27] That might be a better way to describe it. So if you have two or three related sites in the same niche, you could get by with one page. And then on LinkedIn, it's the same thing. You can create a business presence. You don't make a whole new LinkedIn account, but you would create a new business presence.
[00:41:43] Pinterest, I think you might need a separate account for each one. So each platform is going to vary, but but for each niche that you're in, you want a dedicated presence on the socials. Yeah, that would probably be the easiest way to explain it.
[00:41:58] Jay Gerring: Okay. And then Tim is asking that yeah Tim is asking, is there a spreadsheet with metrics KPIs that we should
[00:42:03] Bill McIntosh: be tracking?
[00:42:07] Yeah, I, well, I can't give you a metrics in terms of the quantities of like you need such and such click through rate. It's about measuring what performance you're getting and constantly improving, right? That's really what it's out. Each and every niche market is going to be different, has different metrics.
[00:42:24] I can give you the, what the KPIs are or key performance metrics that you should be watching. We can give a list of that. We'll follow up and I'll, we'll give you that. That's pretty simple. There's just a few of them. You'll watch. But in terms of what they should be, the one thing I can tell you is on Facebook, 2 percent or higher is the, should be your minimum, absolute minimum threshold.
[00:42:45] Yeah, and that's
[00:42:46] Jay Gerring: the link click through rate. So, yeah, they're and that's pretty universal. I think across different social channels as well is that, you know, if you're less than 2%. For anything that you're doing paid ads for, then it's probably yeah, it probably just not something you want to hang on to.
[00:43:05] Bill McIntosh: Okay. Let's see. One thing too, a little aside, I don't know if Jake joined us. Did Jake join us in here? I'm not sure that he's here. Yeah. I don't know. He was talking about maybe joining in with us because I know he consults a lot of people. So Jake is he's like our lead consultant of bringing new customers in.
[00:43:24] And I think this tends to be his number. One question is, how do I get traffic? So I want to chat with him. If he's here, he might be off on a call. So if he is, that's fine. Yeah, it doesn't look like he's here. Okay. All right. So then any other questions about this strategy or how you can apply it?
[00:43:42] Jay Gerring: So there's another question about for push button AI.
[00:43:45] Does only the ultimate have lead generation website set up?
[00:43:50] Bill McIntosh: No. So the, you'll. Everyone who has a Pushbutton AI account has access to the course builder or the lead generation, both. You'll see there are two choices. In fact, here, I can log in and show you how you get to it. That might be useful. Let me do that real quick.
[00:44:06] Let me just get in the members area. Stand by.
[00:44:20] Okay, where'd my Zoom go? There it is. Share screen. Screen one, share. So in your members area,
[00:44:36] not under my courses, but under apps see this AI lead, we need to name these better I really need to come back in and redo our naming and a little bit of our navigation, but you'll see your AI course builder and you'll see your AI lead capture builder. So these are two separate things that do build two separate different kinds of businesses.
[00:44:57] So this builds the course that you can sell. This one creates a whole lead generation business. So if you want to, you can sell anything. So if you have a, you have your own business that you want to promote, you can use this. You want to do affiliate marketing, then you could use this too. That's the AI lead capture one.
[00:45:15] Yeah,
[00:45:15] Jay Gerring: and that one also does build a course. It's just that you're giving the course away as
[00:45:20] Bill McIntosh: a, yeah, exactly. Yeah. This one is intended to be the courses, a freebie to give away, to build a list and sell stuff. And then this one is intended where the course is the product that you are selling, so two similar, but different.
[00:45:33] Jay Gerring: And of course you can always sell other things to the people after they, whether they buy your course or not, but but certainly you want to try to get them to buy your course.
[00:45:44] All right. So other questions here do Gina's asking, do you have to have a disclaimer in Facebook that you will receive money from core sales?
[00:45:53] Bill McIntosh: No. Yeah. Yeah. You don't have to have a disclaimer.
[00:45:58] Jay Gerring: Okay. And then let's see another question here. There's, it takes a long time to manage the social media.
[00:46:04] It seems like a separate business. Well,
[00:46:06] Bill McIntosh: how do you manage this? It's not that hard to manage, honestly. The share, you know, once your page is set up, that's about the longest part. The share takes literally 20 seconds. You know, copy, paste, send. Then if you're going to run over and put an ad out, that might be another I don't know, 10 minutes.
[00:46:26] You don't have to make, the beauty of this is you don't have to make ad creative because you're just. Promoting the existing link. There's no, like, you don't have to create an image, you know, you don't have to make any fancy copywriting. You're just going to promote the post that you just made. That's all you're going to do.
[00:46:42] So it's really easy. And I think I got some training on my channel. I think it's up. I know I recorded it for how to place a Facebook ad, the basics of like, you know, Creating a Facebook ad. So I'll check, I think it's on the channel. But we'll see if not, it will be soon. Okay.
[00:47:03] Jay Gerring: And a follow up question from the same person.
[00:47:06] It, what about interacting with people? I guess on the social media sites, that's what they're asking. Like, like, I guess in terms of time
[00:47:14] Bill McIntosh: management, right? Yeah, I ignore, I mean, I don't know why I had to say that, but yeah, I ignore everyone on social. I don't know if you saw when I logged into my Facebook account, I had like 8 million messages probably in there, but yeah, I I don't pay any attention to that.
[00:47:28] If something catches my eye where there's some nasty comment I want to get rid of, I might go in and delete it, but. For the most part, I ignore it. Whether that's the right advice or not, I don't know, but it works for me. Yeah.
[00:47:42] Jay Gerring: All right. Yeah. And then let's see. Oh, and then a general question here that Ed's asking is what is the five day challenge?
[00:47:47] He's one of our ultimate
[00:47:48] Bill McIntosh: members actually for, Oh, okay. Yeah, we did this thing. I did a little, it was a little mini launch. We ended up with 300 people in a five day challenge where we taught them how to use all the different AI tools to build a course business. So you've already got push button AI, so it's easier to just push the button but we taught them kind of like the.
[00:48:10] All of the steps that push Button AI does for you. We taught 'em how to do it by hand. Yeah.
[00:48:15] Jay Gerring: And I think Ed's a social money or a simple money machine. Ultimate
[00:48:18] Bill McIntosh: ai. Oh, it's always in Simple Money Machine. Okay. Okay. Wrong program, . Yeah. And so it's a different thing for we taught people how to use AI to build a course business, so,
[00:48:30] Jay Gerring: yes.
[00:48:30] So, let's see. And then let's see next.
[00:48:37] Oh Ed's asking Bill is saying that you guys create the blogs and pillar content. Is that part of push button AI or is it an add on?
[00:48:45] Bill McIntosh: Yes. So the there's, let me make this clear. So there's two things kind of related to this topic. The basic add ons that you get, we make 10 blog posts. Those are normal blog posts.
[00:48:59] You get those. That's part of when you do your add ons that you got that everyone gets, then we have another type of add on, which is a new thing that we're just now rolling out. Not everyone doesn't have access to it yet, and that's called a traffic pack in the traffic pack. That's what we do everything for you that I showed you today.
[00:49:18] That's the keyword research, the topical map. The 10 pillar post and then we can do a post a day every day forever for you if you want. That's part of the traffic pack, which is a, an extra add on, i, everybody in the challenge, you know, you guys paid an entry fee to get in the challenge.
[00:49:36] So I'm going to give you a traffic pack a one traffic pack complimentary that if so anybody in the challenge who joins we'll get that. And then I think some of our ultimate customers have qualify for that too, but I'm not sure who qualifies for which one who's here, but if you're in the challenge.
[00:49:54] You definitely will get a one complimentary traffic pack. If you join push button AI before we close it out. So,
[00:50:03] Jay Gerring: all right, let's see. Next question from Clayton is can I offer a membership site to the customer after the customer completes the course sounds like maybe they want to resell he wants to resell
[00:50:17] Bill McIntosh: sites.
[00:50:19] Or does he talk about making a new members area for them to buy to get access to, or am I misunderstanding that?
[00:50:25] Jay Gerring: Yeah, you just, he's asked if he can offer a membership site to the customer after they finish the course. So that's, maybe you can clarify that
[00:50:33] Bill McIntosh: in the chat for now. I'm going to assume you're talking about it like an upgrade.
[00:50:36] Hey, you finished your course now buy into our monthly, you know, like I'll use the dog training example, right? So you just, Hey, you finished dog training 101. become a member and get access to this one on Barking and this one on where they pay to have an ongoing membership. It doesn't come out of the box where the AI builds it that way, but the sites that we create for you have the possibility of doing that.
[00:50:59] They have all the tools needed to set up a membership site and charge money for it. Like all the pieces are there to make that, but the AI, that's not the way that's not what the AI builds out of the box. All right. So yeah, and our tech support can coach you through it. I think we have some training in the push button.
[00:51:19] Sorry, in our profit platform, how to they'll talk about because we, you know, there's a couple of pieces to this push button. AI is the builder, right? The AI builder. And then separately, we have our hosting business that hosts and manages your sites. That's called Profit Platform. So in Profit Platform, you'll have all the tools for doing upsells, membership sites, you know, your shopping cart.
[00:51:42] All of that is installed and included on your sites. It's just so, you'll just have to learn how to set that up. Yeah.
[00:51:49] Jay Gerring: Okay. Let's see. Next question. Just asking what the insiders club is. I guess. Oh, wait, let me. Yeah, well, they're saying so, what is the insider club? Is that a part of the virtual shopping ranches?
[00:52:04] I have a, or are PushBin AI members included or offered a special rate? So I think
[00:52:11] Bill McIntosh: there's somebody club was part of our challenge. So we burned that pretty heavily. So anybody who joined the challenge had an option to join our insiders club. And that's all closed. So that's not a, that was something we did live.
[00:52:23] We're delivering it, the five day challenge live. And we're delivering the special bonuses and stuff live to the insiders club so that whole thing is closed at this point, but several people in here have been going through the challenge with me and are part of that. So we just invited him in for a little guest.
[00:52:39] You know, they're there. So, yeah, the insiders are part of office hours as special guest invites. Yeah.
[00:52:47] Jay Gerring: Okay. And then Tim is asking to as a push money, I remember, are you allowed to build both the course as the product and the lead captured to give away the course, but establish yourself as a topical authority and sell additional related courses like a series.
[00:53:05] Bill McIntosh: Yeah. So the sites that come out built out of the box, you have to choose, do you want to have a course for sale and you want to make an e learning business or do you want to lead generation business where you can sell and promote lots of other things? You have to make that choice. So you can do one or the other, as far as how it's built out of the box.
[00:53:25] Okay the sites, once they're built, have the capabilities of, you know, of doing many things. So the sky's the limit. You could even sell physical products on those sites. You could have an e commerce shop in the sites, a membership. It's all possible to be built in the infrastructure but it's just not all built automatically by the AI.
[00:53:47] I hope, I think I may be making this sound confusing, but I hope that makes sense. Yeah.
[00:53:54] Jay Gerring: And okay. Yeah, I think so. Oh by the way, you were asking about Jake. He did pop in. I don't know if he's still, I think he's still here. So if you wanted to put him on the spot.
[00:54:04] Bill McIntosh: Yeah. Let's see. I'll see what kind of questions I can throw at him.
[00:54:07] Jake, are you out there? Yes, I am. Hey, there he is. So some of you know, Jake. So, he's the he's the wizard that helps a lot of people with their strategies of how they're going to use pushbutton AI when they join. And I want to chat with you, Jake, because I know you. As you're getting people to sign up and become, whether they become an ultimate member or a premium or whatever, wherever they join at you and I have had conversations about, like, the number one thing people want to know about is how to get traffic and secondary, like, a plan, just a roadmap of, like, what to do.
[00:54:44] Can you talk a little bit about that? Yeah, I mean, it's a two step process, right? You build a site or sites and then you bring in traffic, right? And in the middle of there, you just, you want to decide on what's the best business model for you. I mean, maybe you have consulting services, so maybe you want to offer that client.
[00:55:03] Yeah. As a mastermind class, or you want to do one on ones, or, you know, you want to just have a forum where you're answering questions and charging a monthly fee for that subscription fee. So, you know, you, those things are decided and I can help you, you know, with that decision process on what might be the best business model for you.
[00:55:22] And then of course, once you know, you have your site and you've got your business model and you've got all that in place you want to start bringing in traffic, but, you know, business building and traffic really go hand in hand, you know, you want to put some sites out there, bring in some traffic.
[00:55:38] You're going to see who's signing up, you know, who's buying who's interested, maybe other products and services you have. So it's you know, you got. Different types of facets of business building and creation. You're juggling and looking at these three things. The number one thing is to get started, you know, it's not to be too picky on how your site's looking or, you know, too many little intricacies about, you know, how it looks, or do I want to say this exactly or whatnot?
[00:56:08] You just want to get into action. And that's what I definitely promote to people because the traffic, the model. You know, the site building, it all goes, kind of works together. So, you know, I can talk with you personally about, you know, how, you know, you should pre start proceeding and what might be some directions that you know, on how to approach your business building.
[00:56:31] I'm glad you said that because I was going to ask you to do that, to ask you for that anyways. But I did want to say that because I think some people I'm kind of really focusing in on the people in our insiders club at this point that have not yet jumped into push button AI. And maybe it's because they're a little uncertain of how it fits their situation or.
[00:56:55] You know, like you said, maybe they have a business that there could use push button. I promote an existing business or they're not sure what they should do. So, from a strategic standpoint so you would be willing to help them. understand how to use the tool for their situation then basically? Yeah, absolutely.
[00:57:12] I mean, we have two different platforms. We have a platform that, you know, creates courses and maybe for you, that's what you really want to start with. We also have a platform that helps generate leads or even do affiliate marketing. And maybe you should start with that. Maybe you should start with both.
[00:57:26] Maybe you should use be using them in conjunction. You know, it's going to depend on, you know, what your goals are, how quickly you want to get there, what your model is. So if you want to talk to me about. You know, talk, you know, going through maybe a little bit of a customization on, you know, what would be a customized plan for you you know, as a general outline, you know, I could definitely, you know, offer.
[00:57:49] You know, offer myself to, to have a conversation with you and go over some of those. Do we get a link to your calendar? Yeah, I can definitely provide that. Let me grab that and drop that in. Okay. Send that to Jay. Yeah. And this is for, so those of you who are already in the ultimate program, Chancellor, you might've even talked to Jake already and you have access to Jay for this, but for those in inner, the, in the insider club who are at that point where you're not sure you're thinking maybe you want to get into push button AI, but you're.
[00:58:18] So if you need a little bit more understanding of what it does and how it fits your situation, then yeah, definitely book a session with Jake and he'll help you out with that. No strings attached, but he'll give you the best guidance that he can. And and then, yeah hopefully we see you in another office hours.
[00:58:34] Absolutely. Yeah. So I just sent that link to to Jay. So we can pass that out. All right. Otherwise, I will say adios. We'll talk to you later. All right. Ciao. Ciao. Okay, cool. And we'll go back to questions, but yeah, I wanted to give Jake a chance to introduce himself for anybody who might want to talk to him.
[00:58:58] Yeah.
[00:58:58] Jay Gerring: Great. Yeah. So then yeah, we just have a. A couple more questions here. Let's see.
[00:59:03] Bill McIntosh: Wrangle questions. Yeah. Wrangling background. What is your, what is that background behind you?
[00:59:13] It's a kelp field. Oh, that's cool. I want that.
[00:59:22] Jay Gerring: All right. Let's see. So we had a question on where to go. Is that one? Okay. Just make a tree out of it. Okay. Yeah. Another question. The other bill who's on here today is I have a four year dog page that brought in 29 K using memes only. Could I, or should I use it as my main page going forward better than starting a
[00:59:38] Bill McIntosh: new one? You could if you want to stay in the same niche.
[00:59:42] Yeah. Yeah you definitely could. Facebook pages can be temperamental if they've gone cold. You see, you'll definitely want to, it'll be a whole process to reactivate it if it's gone cold but yeah, I think you should, if you want to stay in that same niche, then yeah, you absolutely could.
[00:59:57] Jay Gerring: All right. And then Lars is asking. So to be successful, I need to use social media and use business
[01:00:02] Bill McIntosh: pages. Yes, you should have, like in today's world, every business should have a social media presence. And if you don't like Google, for example, we'll look at that as being suspicious. I don't, they'll think, who is this fly by night person?
[01:00:20] Are they trustworthy? They get, yeah. Because you have to realize Google has to decide if your business is worth getting free traffic, if they should, if it's worth them giving you free traffic. And if they're not sure that you're legitimate, that you're not taking your business serious, that you, they don't know who you are, then they're going to be way less likely to recommend your content to their users.
[01:00:46] So I definitely recommend at least to go through the basics of setting up the social media presence and making the page, the business page and you know, at the bare minimum, a Facebook page. Yeah.
[01:01:00] Jay Gerring: Okay. And then it is asking, let's see, based off of what Jake said, can you create a consulting service from a push button site?
[01:01:10] Would you have to add that through WooCommerce or is there a separate training in private platform for how to connect that and collect payment?
[01:01:17] Bill McIntosh: Yeah. As far as the collecting payment part. So what'll happen is push button. If you choose the lead generation site, when I showed those two different options, choose the lead generation site.
[01:01:26] And what that's going to do is help you capture your leads and then and this is something that Jay, you might be able to help with in coaching or if you haven't yet bought, you can talk to Jake and Jake can talk to you a little bit about this, but they're setting up how you would then get your consulting leads is a little bit of a separate thing, but we'll build, our system is going to build your lead generation engine.
[01:01:47] So you'll have all the like squeeze pages to capture leads, the free course to give away. And then we can teach you a strategy of how do you convert that traffic into buyers, which is a little bit of a separate thing, but we can give you advice and guide you through that. Okay.
[01:02:05] Jay Gerring: And then Timmy's asking a different note.
[01:02:06] If if we're an ultimate member you know, paying the monthly and we're interested in virtual shopping and riches affiliate network, are we going to be charged an additional monthly fee for that?
[01:02:18] Bill McIntosh: Yeah, it's a whole separate product, separate software, separate everything. Yeah. Thanks for clarifying.
[01:02:25] Jay Gerring: Let's see. And Tim asks yeah, did everybody see the link to schedule with Jake? If you are not already a push money or
[01:02:33] Bill McIntosh: ultimate member. But you push that in chat.
[01:02:36] Jay Gerring: I did put that in the chat. Just to make sure people
[01:02:39] Bill McIntosh: saw it. I'll follow up to I'll send it out to the insider.
[01:02:43] Jay Gerring: Okay. So yeah, so a couple of got it.
[01:02:45] So I think we, yeah. Okay. So it's all right. Cool. And yeah, we can, yeah, you could also send it out to him in email. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I'll send an
[01:02:54] Bill McIntosh: email out
[01:02:55] Jay Gerring: as well. Yeah. Cool.
[01:02:57] Bill McIntosh: All right. And.
[01:03:03] And while you're doing, while you're wrangling questions, so everybody also have a chance to, if you have any questions about traffic, that's kind of the topic. Especially the techniques I showed today. So that's traffic from Google, making articles, social posting you have questions about this stuff please ask, and I'd love to help you.
[01:03:23] And then while we're letting everybody get their questions in and letting Jay wrangle the Q& A. But you can also come on mic too, if anybody wants to come on mic and ask a question. That's
[01:03:33] Jay Gerring: Yeah, you just have to unmute yourself and you can. We do have one more from the chat. Let's do that one. And so let's see, Jack, he's asking my idea for my first course is on hydroponic gardens for busy professionals.
[01:03:47] I was considered being an affiliate for Amazon and connect people to different hydroponic systems. Would I use the lead generation app for that or create, or do I create banners on my Yeah. If
[01:03:59] Bill McIntosh: you want to be an affiliate, definitely. If you want to be a traditional affiliate, where you attract traffic and promote affiliate offers and pick the lead generation site, that's definitely the one for that.
[01:04:09] Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. There's a, there's one exception to that, that, and many people probably won't even know what I'm talking about here. But that is the commission chain reaction. Strategy. And even that now that I think about it should use the no, actually, no, you need the other one. Yeah. So if you're doing commission chain reaction, then you need to do a course business.
[01:04:30] Okay. Yeah. That's a very specific thing. And if you don't know what that is, then you can ignore what I just said. Yeah.
[01:04:36] Jay Gerring: Yeah. That is a specific strategy that we have in our members area training. Therefore, but yeah, that is for if you are selling a course. Yeah. And not not giving it away.
[01:04:45] Bill McIntosh: Yeah. And that's right.
[01:04:46] There is a course on that. So if you heard that and you're like, what is commission chain reaction? If you want to know what it is, there's a whole course. It's a very specific strategy on yeah, I'll just say that it's a very specific business strategy that can make a lot of money. And it's in your course area in your members area.
[01:05:02] Yeah,
[01:05:02] Jay Gerring: that's right. All. And then let's see where, oh, yeah, kind of just asking if they'll get a, the video recording, I think yeah. As an insider member.
[01:05:12] Bill McIntosh: Yes. So, we'll, we're recording this and we'll make it available to the insiders. Yeah. Yeah. And the ultimate
[01:05:17] Jay Gerring: people too. Yeah, of course. Yeah. And yeah, the ultimates, we'll get you'll get the email, the follow up email with the recording link.
[01:05:24] All right. And then let's see the,
[01:05:27] Bill McIntosh: I'm going to, I want to put somebody on the spot for a moment. Is that okay? So, yeah, sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we invited the insiders in and so I know there's quite a few of you here who are not yet ultimate members and you might be wondering the value of the coaching and and so, what I'd like to do is I want to, I'm going to pick on Tia and Ask you.
[01:05:49] So you've been getting quite a bit of coaching from Jay and he's helped you through getting ready to launch a business. And did you want to talk about your experience at all? I think it's the most wonderful, fabulous thing you could ever possibly do for yourself. I've been trying to buy, I've been buying parts and pieces for decades, and this is the first place I've been where Everything's right here.
[01:06:20] I have everything I've been working on for the last five years done, and it only took, I don't know, a few months. I'm pretty picky, so I've been editing and, you know, alpha things, so beta, beta testing things, issues, but yeah, we're getting it all together. I'm going to start a new ad campaign on Monday, and I'm expecting great things.
[01:06:47] So would you say that the investment in the Ultimate Program with the coaching was worth it? Yes. 100%. Everything was worth it. The push button AI course, the coaching. Yeah. If you're on the fence, jump over. Yeah. It's not fun to sit up there on that fence. It can be uncomfortable, I think. That's right. Well, cool.
[01:07:14] Well, thank you for for saying that. And and I don't know if anybody else wants to give Jay any props, but anybody else who wants to speak up I'll, I won't just zero in on. Okay, go ahead. Hi, Jay. Well, I think
[01:07:29] Jay Gerring: this is our fourth week. Now we're going a
[01:07:32] Bill McIntosh: little slow. I'm 81. Gail is 83. So as fast as the rest of you guys and I was in the challenge, but I was just kind of observing.
[01:07:40] It wasn't really very. We're in the we're in the ultimate push button AI and, I love it. I know that we wouldn't have gotten the things that we're getting done on our own.
[01:07:51] Jay Gerring: And and it's kind of focused us
[01:07:54] Bill McIntosh: in a way. And it's gotten us much more into AI, which has been really helpful.
[01:08:00] So
[01:08:01] Jay Gerring: there's all kinds of reasons
[01:08:03] Bill McIntosh: To get into it really. It's it and it's very flexible. I and I'm learning about all different aspects of things that I don't think I would have otherwise. And Jay really is helpful. Yeah, no, he responds really quick to anything on that I asked,
[01:08:20] Jay Gerring: and Bill. Is one of
[01:08:22] Bill McIntosh: the nicest most generous people you'll ever meet.
[01:08:25] Yeah, I'm amazed by Bill. By the way, when I showed up on the challenge, it said canary talk. I don't know why it does that, but I have a video downstairs. It says Canadian. On my other computer that says canary talk and how it got up here to know who you are next to them. Yeah, and I'm the person that talked to you that mentioned about x 39 to by the way.
[01:08:51] Oh yeah, because you were talking about health stuff. Yeah, so we can see we're really interesting and healthy and young. Yeah, but you should step out of that chair more often. You sit too long too much. Yeah, I agree. I agree. I need to listen to you on that point. That's for sure. Yeah, we have an existing business.
[01:09:09] So we're trying to make do and we work. It's called we save marriages and we have a very proprietary method of working with people, so the AI doesn't pick up all of that,
[01:09:21] Jay Gerring: but it picked up a lot of it, and
[01:09:23] Bill McIntosh: it makes it so much more easy, and actually, Gail is a copywriter, but we've discovered that these AIs like ChatGPT and Claude and things like that actually write better than a human.
[01:09:35] My hat's off to them, really. Yeah, if you know how to prompt it it's amazing what you can get out of it. Yeah. Yeah, it's true. It's wonderful. Yeah. Love it. Awesome. Okay. Thank you for your feedback. And it's always nice. Also. I'm sure Jay loves to hear that you know, he's doing a good job. So it's yeah, he is.
[01:09:55] He's doing a great job.
[01:09:56] Jay Gerring: It's that's music to my ears you know, as a coach and mentor for people for sure. Yes. Thank you.
[01:10:04] Bill McIntosh: You're welcome. I want to add that this is the only place where you can ask the tech support a question and get the entire answer. They're great. All these guys, they're
[01:10:25] extraordinarily generous and right on topic all the time. They're so you guys are great. I am so happy that I All right,
[01:10:37] Jay Gerring: well, thank you to you appreciate the additional help. I just want to let you all know that Bill's computer apparently crashed. So he I just got a message over over on our discord.
[01:10:47] So, so, but he will be back. So if you want to hang tight, we can we could do, we can continue the Q and a when he gets back. Let me see if there's any here that I can look at. Let's see. Clayton's asking if we have. Any push button AI members who have marketed their own products and services or their own network marketing opportunity.
[01:11:05] And yeah, we do absolutely. So, in fact, yeah, T has one of them and I know of others around the world from all over the place. Yeah. Every, even in one down under in Sydney a guy who has a a tourism business that he's using to push button AI to do lead generation for us. So yes, it's it's definitely a viable strategy.
[01:11:25] And let's see Tim's asking about how to schedule a consulting time with as an ultimate member. So you can reach out to to support and they will send you a link to, and so you can get onto a a coach's calendar. So,
[01:11:39] Bill McIntosh: yeah.
[01:11:44] And let's see. Did I make it back?
[01:11:46] Jay Gerring: Yes, you did. I found my way back. Okay. Don't see you on video yet, but I do see that you're here.
[01:12:00] Bill McIntosh: There we go. I'm back. Okay. Alright. Coast again. I don't know what I missed, but glad to be back.
[01:12:09] Jay Gerring: Not much. We just, I just answered a couple of questions that were things I could answer, so, easily. And then let's see. Lemme put you back on the pin. There we go. All right. And let's see. Question from.
[01:12:25] Bill, the other bill about solo ads. It says there are good ones and iffy ones, how does one find a better, more viable solo ad service? I have thrown money in previously and it got swallowed up pretty fast with no results.
[01:12:40] Bill McIntosh: So for, as far as buying solo ads go, which by the way, before I answer that, we need to get Bill Finley in here.
[01:12:46] Then we can have three of us. I'll hold a big
[01:12:51] Jay Gerring: set of bills. Yeah. There you
[01:12:52] Bill McIntosh: go. We have a trio. So, okay. Yes. Solo ads. Yeah. Solo ad. The whole solo ad world in general is a little bit hit and miss. And it's only by buying, you know, smaller buys and experimenting with different solo providers is I mean, that's really the only path forward.
[01:13:13] I know, as an example like, Jay, we were just talking about, I think it must be somebody else that's in Simple Money Machine. They did what, just two buys. They were a little bit more lucky. They were, got some great results out of them. So it's, there is a little bit of, you know, luck, I guess I want to say you know, you just have to be consistent until you start to find the good providers and then you buy from them consistently once you find them.
[01:13:38] That's just really the key. Yeah,
[01:13:42] Jay Gerring: and then, and we do have a couple of services we recommend inside of our courses as well. So that's, we get a place to check. If you're already a member, you can see where you can, and you can always ask us support and they can help you find those as well.
[01:13:54] Or me, if you're working with me, I'll see the other Another question. What's the lead time from Sean? He's asking what's the lead time on getting any site finished from creation?
[01:14:09] Bill McIntosh: If we're talking about push button, then I would say, well, because there's 2 paths. 1 path is the where you do it along with the AI and that's then up to you.
[01:14:19] Like, how far fast you go through the steps. If you do the quick site build that generally is done in 20 minutes. Yeah, Jay, if you know if that's roughly what we're seeing today, but that's been my experience. It can go
[01:14:33] Jay Gerring: pretty quick. I think we usually promise, you know, within you know, a few hours, but but yeah it can build the, it can build the content very quickly.
[01:14:42] And then from there, it's just about then, you know, you have to go into the next step and actually build the website. And so, they, the website build. Yeah, it's pretty quick. But yeah, so really not too hard to get a site built in, you know, half a day or a day, depending on how you choose to go about it.
[01:15:01] There you go. And then, let's see, what was the question about Who's asking? Let's see. Oh, Ed's asking, is it possible to upgrade my membership or push button ai?
[01:15:14] Bill McIntosh: Oh, along to maybe .
[01:15:16] Jay Gerring: I think Ed actually has both SMM and push button ai. Yeah, I think he's a premium member
[01:15:20] Bill McIntosh: on Oh, okay. Yeah. You can upgrade to Ultimate.
[01:15:23] Yeah. Jake can talk to you about that. Yeah. So, I would go talk to Jake with that link. So schedule a quick call with Jake and he can help you with the upgrade.
[01:15:38] Jay Gerring: All right. And then Sean says, okay. Yeah. Sean is saying he actually did his. Two days ago, but it says I can't do another one until it's finished. So that, yeah, that one, you may want to check in with support on actually Curtis might be able to check it in real time as we're going here, but let's see.
[01:16:02] Bill McIntosh: Yeah, that, that can be useful. So I just realized Curtis was here. So, yeah, if we know the URL, I haven't shared it yet. Share that in there and take a look at it. And hi, Curtis . Hey, bill. He's been here the whole time. .
[01:16:23] Jay Gerring: He's usually a little more active, but we've been since since this was free preaching you today.
[01:16:27] I think he's
[01:16:28] Bill McIntosh: it's a bill day. Although I do want to say that if we combine Bill's cat in a submarine with Tia's kelp, that would be awesome. . . That's, that is, that's a great one. I like that.
[01:16:43] Jay Gerring: Yeah, so,
[01:16:44] Bill McIntosh: the picture of the cat in the submarine, I can put it in the calc.
[01:16:53] Jay Gerring: There you go. I don't know. I think, I don't know.
[01:16:54] I don't know whether Bill has a trademark on that cat in the submarine. I think that's been his sidekick for well, a couple of decades, I think.
[01:17:01] Bill McIntosh: I stole that from somebody in it was, they used to do these things called Photoshop battles. I think they still do. I haven't been in there in a while, but they used to do these Photoshop battles in in Reddit.
[01:17:10] And I stole that from one, somebody's Photoshop battle.
[01:17:15] Jay Gerring: All right. Okay. Well, let's see. So Sean says he sent his link for a site to Curtis. So maybe Curtis can check that out there and yeah, I don't see other questions. Does anybody else have any, Oh, wait, no, here's one. Let's see. Bill was asking the premium level does allow one coaching session.
[01:17:32] Yes, that's correct. It does. So I can answer that one. A lot of people. You know, use that session after they kind of got everything set up and ready to go market live for their site. And that's kind of when they might use that session to get some tips on traffic strategies, et cetera.
[01:17:50] Bill McIntosh: Yeah, that is probably the ideal time. If you've got, if you just got that one, it's like the lifeline from the old Right, right. There you go. But that's, yeah, I think that's true. I think that's probably an ideal place to use it as you're you're launching and your site's built. If you're want help through the process of building the site, I would use our, use support for any of that.
[01:18:11] And then, yeah, that pull your lifeline at the optimum time, which will be when it's time to launch. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you can use it when you want, but that's just my advice. Yeah. I'm with Jay. Yeah.
[01:18:22] Jay Gerring: All right. So then yeah, I think Sean's got a follow up question. He's asking if you can actually delete a course.
[01:18:27] He's can't see a way to do that. I mean, you could delete, of course, I don't know whether it means
[01:18:34] Bill McIntosh: the that's something Jim's working on. So we don't have, you can't yet, but in the future. Yeah.
[01:18:45] Jay Gerring: Yeah. It also depends on whether you're talking about. Kind of removing a whole website versus, you know, with the course on it versus actually just the course.
[01:18:53] So, yeah, I mean, technically, yes, you can delete the course, but then you'd have to build a new one yourself by hand on that same site. So.
[01:19:07] Bill McIntosh: All right, cool. Well, then I'll remind everybody then last chance for questions. So if you have questions for Jay, for me, for Curtis, you got all 3 of us here, but I think we lost Jake, but with anybody who wants to book with Jake, he dropped his link in the chat. So you can book a time on his calendar.
[01:19:23] Specifically, that's for people who are not currently in the Ultimate program, because you guys already got Jay. He's your dedicated guy, but if anybody is considering an upgrade into Ultimate, or maybe you're considering buying Pushbutton then Jake is your guy. He'll be the one to help you he can help you with strategy.
[01:19:41] If you want to, if you're not quite sure how Pushbutton fits with what you're trying to do, then He can help you figure that out. Yeah,
[01:19:48] Jay Gerring: definitely. Yeah. And then Russ is asking I want to verify if I want to, if I want to do commission chain reaction, I should use the course builder getting started yeah, you want to use the AI course builder and follow the course that, yeah, that is the course builder AI course builder getting started course.
[01:20:05] Correct. How many times can we say course in the same sentence? All right. Well, here's a question that could be interesting for you, Bill. Let's see
[01:20:24] how Newson is asking, how long does it take to make seven figures with simple money machine?
[01:20:32] Bill McIntosh: That depends. I got the classic consultant's answer, right? That depends. So with simple money machine, it largely, if you remember the business model in that, there's a. You know, you invest up front and getting subscribers ideas to its first is to get to a point where you can acquire a subscriber and roughly break even within that first month, right?
[01:20:54] Once you hit that that you can scale pretty quickly. It just comes down to how many good solo providers you can find. And your tolerance for risk, right? Because as you scale up. You're going to be investing money and acquiring new new subscribers and new leads, and you may not get, you know, you may not see the money back from that for 30 days could be as long as 60 once, you know, the time the commissions are paid out and all the delay that might be involved and from when you know, from when you charge your card for the traffic to the point where the money is back in your bank account could be 60 days.
[01:21:32] So then it becomes a math problem and how much risk you're willing to take. I guess is really the true answer. So, like I can think of businesses that I scaled to seven figures in six months. By the way, any, anytime I ever talk about specific numbers I, it's never a promise of that some, that you can do the same thing.
[01:21:52] I have to be very careful. From a legal standpoint on that, but just in my experience, I would say, you know, what I did was I started with a pretty good chunk of money and then I took everything I made. Plus all my profit and rolled it back in and then I took everything I made all my profit rolled it back in and I did that for six months straight.
[01:22:14] And then that business got to seven figures that same year, but I think I probably hit critical mass about the six month mark. Yeah. All right. Yeah. And but yeah, that takes six months of being willing to, you know, double down month after month, essentially. And that's how I did it.
[01:22:33] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, really
[01:22:35] Jay Gerring: With so many machine, I think it's just as a matter of consistency and and realizing that you're not going to get it, you know, you're not going to get an immediate return. It's really more like investing. You're kind of investing in a company by and in this case, the stock you're buying is emails.
[01:22:50] Bill McIntosh: Well, it is making an asset that is very much true. Like my asset in that market, which you know the entrepreneurial market. is a massive asset. It brings me seven figures a year in revenue every year for the last 10 years. So, that's quite an asset, I would say. So, So when you're investing into getting subscribers and building up that list, you build that relationship with them.
[01:23:18] You build the value of the list and the consistency by being consistent and continuously adding to that list and growing it. But the list itself is an asset that is very valuable. Yeah. All right. Yeah,
[01:23:31] Jay Gerring: and I don't know if you can, if this is a question you can answer, but is issues nations following up with you know, how much was your capital?
[01:23:37] So, I think she's asking what, if you have any idea how much you invested.
[01:23:40] Bill McIntosh: Well, I'm trying to remember what I started with. I think my first month, I've, I probably this business I'm thinking of was a few years ago. So, I'm just trying to, I want to give you accurate information, but I think. This particular business I started with somewhere between three to 5, 000 the first month.
[01:24:02] The second month, approximately the same amount. By the third month I was getting my money back, right? So I was getting the, then the money was hitting my bank account. Say at the 60 day mark and then I was riding on just the cash. Like then at that point, I wasn't investing any more. I was just taking all the cash and rolling it back in.
[01:24:21] But it did take two months of about that much investment before we hit critical mass. And and I want to say something really clear too, for those in Simple Money Machine. I'm describing my experience on how I got to seven figures. That's probably for most people not what your goal is. It's you know, maybe some people might be trying to get To where they have a nice six figure business, which is much, you know, much easier to achieve them getting to seven, you know, yeah.
[01:24:48] Jay Gerring: Yeah, the key really is just reinvesting, right? As yeah,
[01:24:51] Bill McIntosh: inconsistency, it's reinvesting consistency, you know, and kind of holding, holding the line, you know, and continuing. Yeah.
[01:24:59] Jay Gerring: All right. So, I guess last question here that I can see right now, and maybe we can wrap it up on this one. Tim's asking, and also do we still use Amplifier traffic for me or Udemy?
[01:25:12] Bill McIntosh: At this point, I at the time we recorded that I was recommending very heavily traffic for me. They're still good. I still like, I mean, Harris is a friend, so I like Harris. Personally, I've been doing more with Udemy. Is that how you say it? I've always called you, Demi you did me you, I
[01:25:30] Jay Gerring: say, but yeah I'm not really sure.
[01:25:32] I'm not sure they have a pronunciation guide on their website.
[01:25:36] Bill McIntosh: I've been having some good luck there. I found a handful of suppliers that have been pretty good. And
[01:25:41] Jay Gerring: yeah, and I know that the guy we were talking about earlier who managed, he got about basically a 50 percent return on his his, well, he got.
[01:25:49] As far as the number of leads per click you have about 50 percent click or opt in rate. And yeah, he was using, in that case, he was using
[01:25:59] Bill McIntosh: Udemy. So, yeah. Yeah. I think I just saw a sale come through from one of our simple money machine customers and the person bought everything. They bought the front end, they bought all the upsells.
[01:26:09] I think all in all that just happened yesterday. I think if I saw the order come through. So that results in a, like a 500 sale that they get their commission on. So.
[01:26:19] Jay Gerring: All right. One last question. That's how we snuck in here. Is push button AI useful tool for other programs out there, such as white
[01:26:26] Bill McIntosh: label resellers?
[01:26:29] The white label, I don't know what that program is specifically. Do you Jay? No, I'm not sure. Okay. The lead generation site in my opinion is useful for any kind of business. So, cause you can generate. Leads and subscribers for literally anything. So I would say that probably any program is going to fit well with that.
[01:26:50] The core selling type of a business, the core sales website. That has some more niche kind of specific situations and some niches it'll fit nicely with some, maybe not. But yeah, that's how I see it. What do you think, Jay?
[01:27:04] Jay Gerring: No, I think you're right that yeah there's just that. That opportunity with the lead gen or the lead capture sites that is really makes them available to any additionally additional business there or thing that you
[01:27:18] Bill McIntosh: want to market.
[01:27:24] And does that wrap us up with questions? Yeah, I get to go escape my chair. You get to
[01:27:31] Jay Gerring: escape your chair. Maybe go for one. Yeah. Me too. Okay. And okay. Well, yeah. Thanks everybody for being here today. And you know, appreciate everyone jumping in and great questions. And do hope that Y'all found this very helpful, whether you're already an ultimate member or you were somebody who is, was in our
[01:27:51] Bill McIntosh: our challenge group.
[01:27:52] So, yeah, I do want to, I really want to encourage those that were in the challenge. If you're not yet a push button AI member, definitely join. It's and if you can, if it's in your budget and makes sense for you, then the ultimate level, I think is really useful to get access to this. Yeah. Twice a month, plus your coaching that you would get and that includes chat coaching too, right, Jay?
[01:28:14] Yes, it does. Yep, that's correct. So, so you'll be able to jump on Zoom with your coach one on one once a week, plus chat coaching ongoing. And yeah, so I think it's really useful for, I mean, it makes sense budget wise for some people and for what they need. And if you want that extra level of high touch help and support upgrade to Ultimate.
[01:28:35] But but I would recommend, you know, jump in, grab push button AI, if you haven't already, and hopefully we'll see you on another office hours, just like this one. All right. Yeah.
[01:28:46] Jay Gerring: Sounds good. Okay. Yeah. Thanks everybody for being here and we'll wrap it up for today. Have a great weekend.