Promote The Hottest AI Offer Available Today & Bank High Ticket Commissions...

Your Audience Will Thank You For It!

“Bill’s new Push Button AI webinar generated more commission than any other JV promotion we’ve run in a while.
It was so good, we’re now hitting it for the fourth time!

If you get a chance to run this webinar… you should jump on it. It’s a real money maker!”

-Mike Filsaime

wow and wow 🔥
best promo in our 3 years history!"

- Finn Goswami


Product Sold:
Webinar Title:
Amazing All-New Push Button AI Technology Builds You An Entire Business While You Kick Up Your Feet &  Watch!

Bulletpoint Blurbs: 

  • Live Demo:  At The Click Of The Mouse… Your New Profitable Business Comes to Life Before Your Eyes - Thanks to the power of AI!
  • A New Strategy:  Learn why having AI do all the time consuming work of building your entire business speeds up your path to profit.
  • The Simple Plan:  This awe inspiring technology builds sales pages, reports, courses, videos, emails, ads & just about anything else you could possibly need to get profit flowing in!
  • No Experience Needed! Thanks to artificial intelligence doing all the hard work for you!

Content of the Webinar

Using new A.I. technology Bill shows the audience how easily they can have a new profitable business up and running in about 20 minutes.

Bill shares how we've managed to streamline the technology to have the user fill in a few blanks and with the push of a button or two, the AI will deliver: fully fleshed out courses, websites, sales pages, videos, audio training,  and everything in between.

Those who join can build an unlimited number of complete AI generated websites and depending on the level they join, will also receive AI marketing packs that include logos, social media posts, 30 day email campaign, video courses, audio courses and even done for you ads.

Buyers can even install their very own live virtual tutor to answer questions, define terminology and help their clients understand the course materials!

Private Replay Link (not for sharing) -->

Payment Link -->

Payplan Link -->

Price Points

  • Ultimate Full Pay: $4994.00 (built in 2-payplan of 2497 x 2)
  • Premium Full Pay:   $1498.00
  • Lite Full Pay:   $998.00
Payplan Prices:
  • Ultimate 2 Pay: $2497.00 x 2
  • Premium 4 Pay: $499.00 x 4
  • Lite 4 Pay: $399.00 x 4
Commission & Conversion

Commission is 40% across the whole promo.

***First payment made immediately after close of promotion.  Then monthly payments as the pay plans come in.  There is no reserve or hold back***

Recent Stats:

  • 250 on Live - Grand Total Income: $157,551
  • 220 on Live - Grand Total Income: $102,323
  • 84 on Live - Grand Total Income: $27,140
  • 70+ on Live - Grand Total Income: $26,620
  • 72 on Live - Grand Total Income: $17,552
  • 60 on Live - Grand Total Income: $19,241
  • 45 on Live - Grand Total Income: $12,362

Apply Now To Promote This Money Making Offer:

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